What is Builder's Remedy?

Episode 16 November 14, 2022 00:54:30
What is Builder's Remedy?
Urban Planning is Not Boring
What is Builder's Remedy?

Nov 14 2022 | 00:54:30


Hosted By

Natalie Ikhrata Samantha Ellman

Show Notes

Welcome back to another episode of Urban Planning is Not Boring! Sam and Nat took a couple of weeks off to focus on school, work, travel, etc., but we are BACK!

In this episode, we are talking about a relatively new phenomenon - builder's remedy. If you're from LA or living in LA currently, you've probably heard of the 4500 proposed units of housing in Santa Monica in response to builder's remedy. Why is there a sudden push to propose so much housing? Does builder's remedy have the potential to help us solve the housing crisis? We explore these questions and more in this week's episode!

For more information, check out these resources:

A Primer on California’s “Builder’s Remedy” for Housing-Element Noncompliance

Builder’s remedy could allow thousands of new homes in California

Santa Monica’s ‘builder’s remedy’ experiment holds lessons for the region

City leaders still hope to block 15 of 16 builder’s remedy projects


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